Have you ever heard of the phrase Loose Lip Sink Ships? I heard it when I was a kid and somewhere in mind I knew it had to do with the Navy and spies. So, I Googled it and found out a few things. The phrase “loose lips sink ships”...
I spend my days writing for and training youth workers JUST LIKE YOU.
Loose Lips Sink Friend-Ships
Before You Put It On The Calendar Ask These 6 Questions Part 4
Well, hello there. First time here? Welcome. If you’ve stumbled into the middle of my series on youth ministry calendar development and would like to start from the beginning, you can head over here. If you’re back for more of the...
Before You Put It On The Calendar, Ask These 6 Questions Part 3
If you’re new around here, first of all, welcome. And I bet you’re observant enough to see that there are 2 previous posts to this topic so here is Part 1 and Part 2 for your reading pleasure. Now, we come to part 3 in this 6 part...
Building a Lasting Legacy: 4 Timeless Tips from Quarterback Aaron Rodgers
If you’ve been reading this blog for any amount of time you know I am an avid sports fan. I love college football, pro football and will watch a little basketball, at times. The rest of the sports are kind of in the background while I fold...
Addicted To Our Opinion Part 1
Every week I search for the best articles to send out to my newsletter and I came across this article titled “We’re Addicted to the Feeling of Being Right” by philosopher and Canadian Mark Kingwell, adapted and excerpted from his up coming book...
Before You Put It On The Calendar, Ask These 6 Questions Part 2
This is part 2 of my series Before You Put It On The Calendar, you can read part 1 here. In this post I want to talk about the second question you should ask before you put that event on the youth calendar… Does This Event Conflict with Other...
“Stealing” Students is Unbiblical Youth Ministry
I’m frustrated with seeing this post, over and over again, “I just started here at the church and the former youth pastor has invited all the current students to a new youth group they’re starting. I’m devastated.” If...
Feeling Abandoned By God
I don’t answer all the comments on my videos because I don’t feed trolls but occasionally there are honest questions, like this one. These kinds of questions are the ones many people are asking, one you might be asking, and this is my...
Before You Put It On The Calendar, Ask These 6 Questions Part 1
If you are in ministry you live and die by the calendar and, depending on the size of your church, you “death by calendar” could be imminent if you are not careful. So, stop clacking those keys and put the pencil down until you’ve...
It’s Going To Be Ok
Many of the posts I write, podcasts I record and videos I make are letters to myself. They are the result of reflection and introspection and what I feel like God is saying to me in the moment. And, although they might be things God is telling me,...
30 Ways Pastors Can Appreciate Their Youth Pastors
Pastor’s, I asked Gemini AI “How can a Pastor support their Youth Pastor?” and these are the 30 ideas it came up with. Please, for the love of God and the future of this generation, find ways to do these things year round. In...
Happy Youth Pastor Unappreciated Month
Did your church celebrate Pastor Appreciation Day this past week? Did you feel left out or less than? Been there. Your Lead Pastor got all the praise and a nice offering and you got a Chick-Fila gift card. Better than nothing, right? And some of...
Beyond the Numbers: How Youth Pastors Can Make A Lasting Impact
So, there are 700,800 hours in an 80-year lifespan. Let’s say, as a youth pastor, you spend the max time with a student each week for one hour. That student doesn’t miss a week for 6 years (6th through 12th grade) The number of hours you’ll spend...
Youth Ministry With A Purpose: The Power of A POV
You can poke me, ever so gently, about a few subjects, and you will immediately know my POV (point of view) on the subject. Note Dame Football – Over rated for the past 36 years 70’s movies – best movie decade ever Dungeons and...
Tips To Re-Launching Your Youth Ministry
Re-launching is a big deal and how you go about it matters because, as they say, you can put a diamond ring in a pig’s snout but it’s still a pig. Don’t re-dress the pig, better to smoke it and eat it. At least this way...
The Disciple Project OUTREACH MANUAL