10 Message Ideas For March Madness

If you, or your youth group, have a fever for March Madness, why not use it to fuel your youth group messages. Here are 10 message seeds for your final four messages. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6): Explore the symbolism of the four horsemen, discussing themes of judgment, conflict, and spiritual warfare.…

9 Fun March Madness Bracket Competitions for Youth Groups

It is almost March and the madness of college basketball is soon to begin, are you ready? I want to help you leverage this month to help you grow your ministry. The center of march Madness are the bracket sheets. Offices, work place, churches, etc. print blank bracket sheets and choose the teams they think…

The Exciting Summer Outreach Program That Will Grow Your Youth Ministry

I was always taught Summer Jump not Summer Slump. This means that while other churches shut down/wind down for summer, our church was going to grow. I just had to figure out how to make that happen. For the past ten year and two churches I have used the TRIBES outreach program. The 10 week…

Four Truths About Youth Ministry And Sports

When I was a younger youth pastor, I believed sports was the enemy of youth ministry. Sports took athletic students away from my youth meetings, outreaches, retreats, etc. Didn’t those coaches know I needed the numbers!? It’s easy to blame our youth ministry’s sagging momentum and low numbers on sports. Judgement usually followed, “If these…

9 Thoughtful Thanksgiving Ideas For Youth Groups

Every day is, or should be, Thanksgiving, but for teens it’s sometimes hard to be thankful during tough circumstances. So, what can you do to remind them of why they should be thankful? It starts with getting them out self-pity and getting their minds on others instead of themselves. Here are some ideas/projects/crafts that will…

6 Tips for Finding and Planning Local Service Projects

Planning local service projects for your ministry? These tips will help you get started.  Local service projects for your teenagers can be a chance to embrace the “mission” without the “trip”. It’s using your own backyard as the setting for an intersection of discipleship and service, in a way that can build long-term relationships between…