Youth Pastor Boss Battles: Taming the Two-Headed Monster of Pastor and Committee

British-Greek automotive designer, Alec Issigoris, who designed the mini automobile once said that a camel is a horse designed by committee. He’s not lying.  Hey youth pastor Paul Turner here from and I have been serving students for over 30 year and I want to help you build a successful youth ministry.  Today, I want…

8 Elite Ideas For Preaching During March Madness

It’s that time of year again. Brackets are busted, jerseys are ironed, and the collective roar of the crowd fills living rooms across the nation. March Madness isn’t just about buzzer-beaters and Cinderella stories, though. For youth pastors, it presents a unique opportunity to connect with your students on their turf, using the energy and…

10 Message Ideas For March Madness

If you, or your youth group, have a fever for March Madness, why not use it to fuel your youth group messages. Here are 10 message seeds for your final four messages. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Revelation 6): Explore the symbolism of the four horsemen, discussing themes of judgment, conflict, and spiritual warfare.…

7 Steps To Creating A Life Giving Code of Conduct

Teenagers, by nature, are inappropriate. Their immature brains, sometimes, come up with terrible things to say and do without any guardrails or filters. I’ve never had to create a formal code of conduct, mostly because I’ve never needed one. The students who came to my youth group were mostly well behaved, I had a good…

How To Plan A Powerful Graduation Sunday For Your Church

This article (expanded), as well as  graduation forms graduation gift ideas graduation service sample and graduation song suggestions (over 40) Are a part of Launching Well: Graduating Your Senior Class In Style resource. If you are not subscribed to the Youth Ministry Round Up newsletter, subscribe now and receive all these graduation resources. Most of your pastors don’t want…