It’s Going To Be Ok

Many of the posts I write, podcasts I record and videos I make are letters to myself. They are the result of reflection and introspection and what I feel like God is saying to me in the moment. And, although they might be things God is telling me, they may also be something someone else…

The Chip On My Shoulder

I know the saying, “having a chip on your shoulder” has a negative connotation, but, and hear me out, what if it didn’t. What if it didn’t mean + always having to prove yourself to others + daring others to question your abilities + competing with others where someone has to lose What if waking…

Halfway is a hidden opportunity

We’re just a few days away from hitting the halfway mark of the year and I think it’s a good time to reflect. Here are a few questions I’m asking myself to get my brain juices flowing as I move into the second half of the year. + What were my personal goals starting out…