It’s Not The End Of The World

I had to tell myself last night: It’s Not The End Of The World. This is the second year we’ve have done Mission Week and I had high hopes after last year. But this year just pooped out. I mean we had a great start on Sunday then we were rained out on Monday and…

Top 10 Youth Ministry Fundraisers

Let me start by saying that I don’t like fundraising. I do it for only two reasons, which are probably yours as well, Camp and Missions Trips. To be honest, fundraising is exhausting, but good trips heal all wounds, right? I’ve done several fundraisers over thirty years but these are my Top 10 Best Youth…

The Five Word Challenge

    I read a great article the other day from Fast Company called  Simple, Direct, Honest, Personal, And Blunt: How The 5-Word Performance Review Works Wonders  By: Camille Sweeney and Josh Gosfield  (Warning the CEO from, whom they interview, has a potty mouth) I think this might be a cool tool to use…

Youth Ministry Nirvana

I experienced a moment yesterday at church that had me thinking I was having an out of body experience, a glimpse of Youth Ministry Nirvana. I was shutting down the church, as I normally do, checking doors, clicking lights etc. and as I walked into the sanctuary I saw a group of young adults and…