Youth Ministry Nirvana

I experienced a moment yesterday at church that had me thinking I was having an out of body experience, a glimpse of Youth Ministry Nirvana. I was shutting down the church, as I normally do, checking doors, clicking lights etc. and as I walked into the sanctuary I saw a group of young adults and…

6 Ways To Do Safe Youth Ministry

    Do you remember Gus Griswald  (Griswold) from the cartoon Recess? Gus was a worry worry wart of sorts. In one episode he earned the nick-name Safety Man from the kindergarteners he had to watch during the recess time. Gus spent the whole episode saving the kindergartners from stuff kids do and a few…

99% of Youth Workers Don’t Have This

Don’t have a youth group over 12 kids. Don’t have a blog. Don’t have 5,000 follower on Twitter or even a Twitter account. Don’t have awesome facilitates. Don’t have a budget. Don’t play the guitar or any instrument for that matter. Don’t have a web store with products to sell. Are over the age of…

Playing The “What If” Game

  I love stories. More than I love to see good stories portrayed in the movies or even reading good stories in a book, I enjoy creating my own stories. I just like to make stuff up or take someone else’s story and riff on it and take it to unimaginable places. Some of my favorite…

That Thing You Do

    That thing you do, your job, school, whatever, that thing that frustrates you irritates you sucks the life from you is just that, a thing. It’s the thing you do on way to the thing God is preparing. It’s not the thing. the thing that excites you energizes you challenges you But THAT…