This past week was finals week for our students and with me just finishing the the first chapter of Love Does by Bob Goff it resulted in this crazy, impromptu ideas
Finals week can be a stressful time for students (and parents) so I thought I would bring them a little joy, happiness, and goodies, I call it the Final Exam Emergency Kit.
I talked with parents after church on Sunday and asked what their kids favorite snack was. I took notes on my IPad and and a made a visit to the dollar store.
In the bag I included
– Their favorite snack
– A squishy ball which I recommended they use as a stress ball or to throw it whenever they are frustrated
– Pixie Stix – For that quick sugar rush
– Juice boxes – to wash down the pixie stix
– Glow sticks – I told them that if they got too stressed out they could break the stick, turn off the lights, put on some dance music, and go crazy for 10 minutes dancing around and then go back to studying,
Each bag cost around $5 to make.
Here is the video and what I experienced after one visit.
Do you anything like this around finals week? Leave your idea below.