Youth Ministry Nirvana

I experienced a moment yesterday at church that had me thinking I was having an out of body experience, a glimpse of Youth Ministry Nirvana. I was shutting down the church, as I normally do, checking doors, clicking lights etc. and as I walked into the sanctuary I saw a group of young adults and…

6 Ways To Do Safe Youth Ministry

    Do you remember Gus Griswald  (Griswold) from the cartoon Recess? Gus was a worry worry wart of sorts. In one episode he earned the nick-name Safety Man from the kindergarteners he had to watch during the recess time. Gus spent the whole episode saving the kindergartners from stuff kids do and a few…

99% of Youth Workers Don’t Have This

Don’t have a youth group over 12 kids. Don’t have a blog. Don’t have 5,000 follower on Twitter or even a Twitter account. Don’t have awesome facilitates. Don’t have a budget. Don’t play the guitar or any instrument for that matter. Don’t have a web store with products to sell. Are over the age of…

Playing The “What If” Game

  I love stories. More than I love to see good stories portrayed in the movies or even reading good stories in a book, I enjoy creating my own stories. I just like to make stuff up or take someone else’s story and riff on it and take it to unimaginable places. Some of my favorite…