Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

It’s Not The End Of The World

6 · 10 · 14


I had to tell myself last night: It’s Not The End Of The World.

This is the second year we’ve have done Mission Week and I had high hopes after last year. But this year just pooped out. I mean we had a great start on Sunday then we were rained out on Monday and now Tuesday I am answering phones because one of our secretaries is out. So, if you’ve ever had a case of the “emotional poops” this is for you.

It’s not the end of the world if…

something does not work the way I want…

someone isn’t who I thought they were…

I never get what I prayed for…

if a program fails…

if my family is out of sorts…

if I lose my job…

If my kids are not perfect…

If I don’t have enough money…

If I didn’t lose all the weight I wanted…

If a relationship goes sour…

If I have money problems…

It’s not the end of the world.

Every disappointment we encounter is a chance to make something right, to make it better, and to redeem it for good. The feeling of failure is just that, a feeling, it is not The Truth. The only truth, that is truth, is God’s word. It’s not the end of the world, it only feels like it.

You know what is the end of the world? The end of the world.


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