Bible Affirmation For Teens

“What is a Bible Affirmation?” you may ask? A Bible affirmation is written set of biblical truths, not necessarily scripture, that is quoted in order to Bring our souls in alignment with God’s truths. If you’ve ever watched a Joel Osteen church service, he’s led the congregation in a Bible Affirmation which his father, the…

Live Like Everyone Is Watching, Because They Are

  I heard a great quote today from Gary Vaynerchuk, [bctt tweet=”Privacy is dead, and I live within that context – Gary Vaynerchuk ” username=””] How many leaders have said, No one will find out It’s just between you and me I have security Disgraced politics? (Private e-mails anyone? ) Embarrassed pro athletes? Immoral Pasttors?…

The Word Of The Day : Inevitable

  Inevitable: a situation that is unavoidable. The word for the day is “inevitable”. Many are shocked and surprised when leaders fall, tragedy happens, and bad news comes in like a flood. I am not shocked or surprised. It is inevitable. Like reaping and sowing. People without a teachable spirit or a humble heart, who…

Every Sunday Is Declaration Day

  We can think of a Sunday morning and of church as a have to, if we are Christians. But what if we thought of it as Declaration Day. The image that conjured this article was a the song/album but The Alarm called Declaration. The album is packed with anthems decanting what is and what…