Falling Into The Right Hands

  If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. I John 3:20 Do you beat yourself up over ever little thing? Do you have this false sense of perfection you are trying to achieve and every little thing that impedes your journey towards that frustrates…

Who Drives The Bus Journaling Prompt

    Think about your church’s or your organization’s staff. Imagine you are all driving in a bus or van. Who’s driving? Why? Who’s sitting next to the driver? Why? Who’s sitting in the back? Why? Can anyone make suggestions about where to go or how to get there? Is there driver going to fast?…

Living Without A Net

This video has me stirred up. Can’t shake it. I have a net called Youth Ministry. I know how to do it. I’ve been doing it for 25 years. I can assess a group, program a year at a time, and preach fire but it’s still a net. It’s safety to me. I think of…