Praying The Apostles Creed: Part 5: Suffered, Crucified, Descended

If you are wanting to read these posts from the beginning, you can start here. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was crucified, dead and buried: He descended into hell Suffered, crucified, descended. Sounds pretty active for man in extreme conditions. We should also add forgiving (while on the cross), affirming (John and His mother), and praying…

Blogging A.D Episode 3: Pentecost

You can see my thoughts on other episodes starting with Episode 1 The continued unrest in Jerusalem is palpable. The tension and hatred between the zealots and the Romans is further  emphasized through the character Boaz who’s ready to throw down anytime, anywhere. Later on Boaz makes a killer (literally) retractable arm knife which he…

Blogging A.D. Episode 2

If you are just jumping in on the series, you can check out my summary of episode 1 HERE. Caution: There are spoilers (in regards to back story ) This episode begins with a compelling scene, not found in scripture, between Pilate and Caiaphas. It leaves us to imagine what could have been happening behind…