Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

5 Momentum Quotes Your Youth Ministry Needs Right Now

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Summer is a great time to gain momentum. It’s also a great time to lose it too. In my recent Mentor Me Monday video  shared five small ways to shift momentum in your youth ministry. Take a look and, if you’d like to get videos like this in your inbox, go ahead and subscribe.


I first heard about momentum, many years ago, from John Maxwell who calls it The Big Mo. Momentum is critical for teams, organizations, and movements. If you have it, life is good. If not, well, that may be where you are right now. But don’t worry, I am going to share a few more ways you can build momentum in your youth ministry using  few quotes.

Success comes from taking the initiative and following up… persisting… eloquently expressing the depth of your love. What simple action could you take today to produce a new momentum toward success in your life? – Tony Robbins

Two practical keys from this quote

1. Initiative – Where can you take action instead of responding. Where can you get ahead of the game?

2. Follow up – What have you started (initiated) and forgotten or abandoned that you need to get back to? This could be a program or relationship. What small step could you make? A phone call? A text? An Instagram photo?

One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals. – Michael Korda
What goals do you currently have for your youth ministry? What goals have you recently accomplished? Where do you need to challenge your group or yourself? Numbers? Leaders?
In an individual sport, yes, you have to win titles. Baseball’s different. But basketball, hockey? One person can control the tempo of a game, can completely alter the momentum of a series. There’s a lot of great individual talent.  – Kobe Bryant
Who do you have on your team that could shift momentum if you gave them more training or let them off the leash?  Who do you need to recruit that could change the momentum? Is this an adult? A student? A church member?
For any movement to gain momentum, it must start with a small action. This action becomes multiplied by the masses, and is made tangible when leadership changes course due to the weight of the movement’s voice. – Adam Braun
Who’s voice do you hear? What are they saying? Is it possible that it’s a voice you could use to give your group momentum? Is it a voice you can get behind? Get the group behind?

Sliding headfirst is the safest way to get to the next base, I think, and the fastest. You don’t lose your momentum, and there’s one more important reason I slide headfirst, it gets my picture in the paper.   – Pete Rose

What programs are you doing halfheartedly that you need to slide head first into? If you can’t go head first should you get rid of it? If you did, what could you go head first into that would give you the bigger Mo?

Momentum is key to any program and we all experience up and down times. If you’re stuck, be patient, momentum could shift at any moment.

I’d love to get you and your group on the plus side of momentum. Check out my coaching package HERE.

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