God Loves The Unlikely

Consider all the unlikely biblical characters God chose in the Old Testament Abraham and Sarah to have children beyond their years David a shepherd Moses a murder Gideon a coward Samuel a child Jonah the runaway Joseph a teen Jacob the liar and then who Jesus chose in the New Testament Fishermen Lepers Mary the…

The Unfiltered Youth Worker

Just saw an article on Mashable.com about Daisy Ridley extoling the values of being yourself, and I applaud her. Daisy posted a picture of herself on Instagram without make up and with no filters. Feelings create the need to filter. Feeling unworthy. Feeling lonely. Feeling disrespected. I tell my students all the time, “Feelings are…

Busy or Productive? Results Don’t Lie

Are You Busy? You may say , “Heck yeah! I’m up to my eyeballs in forms, paper work, programming, meetings, etc.”. These things are necessary, but not necessarily productive. Busy means we’re hiding from real work that matters. Busy means we’re in our comfort zone. Busy means we’re working hard to maintain the status quo.…

What If You Don’t Make The List?

I recently learned I didn’t make The Top 30 Youth Ministry Blogs of 2015. Thing is, I wasn’t trying to make it and only slightly disappointed that I didn’t make it. Some of us have lists in our head we’d like to make Pastors Top 3 Favorite Staff Members Top 9 Hipster Beards Top 5…