Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Planning A Youth Meeting For Graduates

4 · 17 · 23

This article, as well as 

  • graduation forms
  • graduation gift ideas
  • graduation service sample and
  • graduation song suggestions (over 40)

Are a part of Launching Well: Graduating Your Senior Class In Style resource. If you are not subscribed to the Youth Ministry Round Up newsletter, subscribe now and receive all these graduation resources.

I put a fair amount of effort into the youth graduation service because 15 min. in the adult service is not enough of me to tell students how thankful I am and it gives zero time for students to share how thankful they are. 

Before the youth grad service I made sure I talk with the graduates who were a regular part of our youth meetings, events and camps and ask for their input. 

  • What songs do you want that night?
  • Any pictures you’d like to submit for the youth slide show?

(I recommend making one slide show for church and one for the youth service because your church video should be 2-3 minutes whereas your youth slide show can be longer, have more pictures, etc.)

  • Who would like to share? 

Unfortunately, for many of these graduates, this will be the last time they will get this much time, attention and love from a pastor if they continue to attend church. I want to make sure I fill them up with as much encouragement as possible. 

I give each graduating student a brief pep talk which sounds something like this, 

“For those going away to college or the military, this  could be the last time you get to make an impact, on this group, for a while. Share your heart and your hopes for this group. Thank people you want to thank.”

After the slide show and the testimonies, we have communion and let students and leaders pray for the graduates, investing in them one more time.

If you have any personalized/customized gifts that you want to hand out, this will be a good time to do it and make those who have been with you these four to six years feel special. 

Extra Stuff

If you have a chalk board wall or paper banner, have students write something on them for the graduates.

Have graduates leave their mark in the youth room with a signature, a saying or a piece of art. 

Take lots of photos of the whole group and tell them, “Well never have this picture again”. Make sure to post them on social and frame them and put them on your youth room walls.

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