Anatomy of a Blown Event: Where Did I Go Wrong?

 If I had a $1 for every failed event….well, lets just say, I would have a lot of dollars. Events are cool when we pull them off, but is that all there is to an event? Not the good ones. When the pre, actual, and post event pieces come together, it’s a beautiful thing. When…

Failure Is An Option

I was told numerous times in staff meetings over the years that failure is not an option. But it is and it should be. Usually this slogan is centered around: a big church event keeping your job growing the church or youth ministry (see #2) This is small thinking at it’s worst. Failure in these…

Seven Questions I’d Like My Pastor To Ask Me

I was just thinking about this and there are questions I would like my Pastor’s to ask me and maybe you’d like your Pastor to ask you too. If I am missing some please feel free to add yours. These are in no particular order 1. What have you been reading in Scripture? I don’t…

The Base vs Swing Voters: Three Things I Learned About Outreach In Small Churches

I used to be a political junkie, so when I hear pundits talking about the upcoming elections I listen through my special youth ministry headset. That is what sparked this latest post. The question posed was “Should the politician go after the base or the swing voters to get elected?”. In my first two youth ministries,…

Helping Teens Turn Their Pain Into Purpose

I’ve seen a series of stories lately about teenagers making a difference and there was a story about a girl with a painful knee condition. The only time she had relief was when she was laying down and reading. She said, “When I read, it’s a real escape,” Bearup says. “I try to take myself…