Rebuilding Your Declining Youth Ministry Part 2
Welcome to part two of my four part series on Rebuilding Your Declining Youth Ministry. If you missed part one, where I talk about Re-Imagining Your Youth Ministry, click here to catch up Youth Pastors who want to focus on re-branding before re-imaging, eventually, fall into the same pit as before. To avoid this, let’s…
7 Pillars That Will Keep Your Youth Ministry From Collapsing Part 5
This is part five in my seven part series on keeping your youth ministry from collapsing. You can read from the beginning here. Infrastructure isn’t sexy, but every youth ministry has to have it to keep moving. The fifth pillar that will keep your youth ministry for collapsing is a heart for evangelism. Notice I…
The Base vs Swing Voters: Three Things I Learned About Outreach In Small Churches
I used to be a political junkie, so when I hear pundits talking about the upcoming elections I listen through my special youth ministry headset. That is what sparked this latest post. The question posed was “Should the politician go after the base or the swing voters to get elected?”. In my first two youth ministries,…