Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Failure Is An Option

7 · 03 · 10

I was told numerous times in staff meetings over the years that failure is not an option. But it is and it should be. Usually this slogan is centered around:

  • a big church event
  • keeping your job
  • growing the church or youth ministry (see #2)

This is small thinking at it’s worst. Failure in these cases is certainly an option and should be an option. I was recently on a missions trip and the boys we were with were making some building mistakes. Our crew chief, Billy (an amazing man) would say, if you are not failing you’re not doing anything. I could not agree more. Our fear point for failure revolves around us. We worry what others (the world), other churches, or believers will think of the us or our church (small c).

We need to broaden our view of failure. Would Peter’s daring walk on water be nearly as interesting if he had not sunk? No, because the lesson here is not: Don’t Sink, the message is: Keep your eyes on Jesus. We are so worried about sinking we never even think of getting out of the boat. Let us  keep our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

Let’s challenge our youth and ourselves to fail greatly for the cause of Christ. This should be our list and mandate for failing. These are dreams, goals, and mandates that our worthy of our efforts and even our failures in our effort to achieve them.

  • Building the Kingdom of God
  • Raising up a new generation of leaders
  • Making our youth ministry student-led instead of spectator induced
  • Keeping our personal lives above reproach (this does not mean not making mistakes)
  • Glorifying God with our lives

Now go and fail greatly; believing that in the end, there is no failure  or condemnation in Christ Jesus.

Need some more inspiration? Here ya go:

Failure Magazine

Michael Jordan “Failure” Commercial

How Failure Breeds Success

Failing Forward- John Maxwell

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