Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

My Content Covenant With You

1 · 01 · 15

What will you be reading this year? Probably some new books and articles. Which blogs are you going to read to help equip you to do what God has gifted you to do? Which blogs will you read to give you encouragement when you’re down or to give you courage when you need to take another step?

There are plenty of youth ministry blogs out there but not all are equal of your time. I want to make this blog worth of every click, comment, and share.

I have been sharing ideas, resources, and strategies with youth workers for over 10 years now. I love sharing ideas with other youth workers and digging into what works and what doesn’t.  This past year has been my most productive and consistent year yet but I believe this year will be even more beneficial to you the reader.

I am more passionate than ever to helping youth workers make an impact on students right where they’re at. I am making a covenant with you to keep my content on track, fresh, and challenging the status quo.

If you’re already one of my readers, thanks for sticking with me through the years. I write for you. The biggest way you can help me is to keep me on track by sharing, commenting, and pushing back on my content when I get away from this covenant. If you’re willing to take your place as an active reader and will keep me on course, please affirm this covenant by leaving me a comment below.

If you’re new, welcome! Take a look around and if this is the kind of blog you’re looking for to help deepen the discussion about the importance of youth work, our relationship with and to God, the please leave me a comment below. Welcome to your new youth ministry destination.

My Content Covenant

I will always put my heart into every post and video.

I will share content with the purpose of building you up personally and professionally.

I will share content that will inspire you and encourage your faith in  God.

I will share fresh ideas to equip you in your calling to work with teens.

I will strive to create and share fresh resources that will build your youth ministry.

I will offer strategies that will challenge you to think beyond the boundaries of your denomination and your imagination.

I will comment on or affirm every post you comment on.

I will be generous with my experience and resources.

I will recognize and affirm you as more than a set of eyeballs but as a brother and sister in Christ fulfilling the great commission with me.

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