“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
― Maya Angelou
Gifts are not bribery, they are thank you’s. These gifts can range from a free youth group t-shirt to a bag of goodies they can take home with them. The goal of the gift is to say thank you for giving up 60-90 minutes of your time to check out our group, when you could have been doing any thing else.
Gifts are great for follow ups to a guest visit. Some youth groups do a bag drop at the student house and others text students a free coffee.
Gifts do not have to be expensive, but a token of thanks should be part of your strategy to make sure every student who comes to your group has more reasons to come back than stay away.
Gifts are invitation to know more about your youth ministry. Be sure to put something in your guest or text that lead a student to discover more about who you are and what your youth ministry offers.
Here’s a starter idea, but I do not recommend going to the postoffice to grab boxes (as I say in the video), instead I suggest these boxes from Amazon https://amzn.to/3kEHuuG
The goal of your gifts are so that students remember who you are, what you said, and most importantly, who Jesus is and why He wants to be a part of their lives.