Don’t Take It Personally

You know if someone leads with the words, “Don’t take it personally, but” you are about to be offended. Many of us take our youth work very seriously. Sometimes too seriously. We work hard at these things like peaching, programming and relationship building, and we don’t like to be challenged. We don’t make widgets. Widgets are…

Failure Is An Option

I was told numerous times in staff meetings over the years that failure is not an option. But it is and it should be. Usually this slogan is centered around: a big church event keeping your job growing the church or youth ministry (see #2) This is small thinking at it’s worst. Failure in these…

The Base vs Swing Voters: Three Things I Learned About Outreach In Small Churches

I used to be a political junkie, so when I hear pundits talking about the upcoming elections I listen through my special youth ministry headset. That is what sparked this latest post. The question posed was “Should the politician go after the base or the swing voters to get elected?”. In my first two youth ministries,…

The Youth Pastors Guide To Leading Students From Boyhood To Manhood

I remember being frustrated with the boys in one of my youth groups, in the early aughts. I was frustrated with their commitment to just about everything. I saw boys wearing eyeliner, listening to emo and acting in ways unbecoming. Let me say, a man can be manly no matter what tribe he’s a part of,…