Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

5 Plans Every New Youth Pastor Needs

6 · 09 · 22

When I first started youth pastoring in 1995, youth ministry resources were just hitting their stride. The local Christian Book store was where I’d go to see what was new. As a new youth pastor, I was in the weeds and I found myself jumping from this curriculum to this How To book, not having a cohesive plan to put it all together.

Here are the five resources I wished I had and that I believe every new youth pastor needs.

A plan to plan your year

What do you use to plan with? I remember using just a yellow pad of paper, which I am still a fan of in the early stages of planning, but I wish there had been a journal or calendar that actually taught me how to plan.

About five years ago I decided to create my own planner for youth pastors called My Youth Ministry Playbook. I decided to create the resource I was looking for years ago so that new youth pastors have a process to work with. In the book I offer articles, calendars, worksheets, and more to help yo plan your year month by month, quarter by quarter.

You can get My Youth Ministry Playbook here or as part of a monthly subscription where new articles, forms, videos and come to your inbox with Youth Ministry Monthly.

It is my belief that an unorganized, slapped together youth ministry will not achieve all it’s meant to and I also believe there are no limits to an organized, well thought out youth ministry.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail.

Benjamin Franklin

Want to to know the second most valuable tool for new youth pastors? Click here.

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