Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Praying Against What Threatens Our Spiritual Walk

6 · 29 · 15


What threatens our faith? Is it the culture, worldliness, sin, the current news cycle? I think the danger to our walk with Christ hits much closer to home and is far more dangerous. Read through this prayer 3-4 times, meditate on each line and God will show you where  you need the most help. Think about where you can better shore up the weak areas of your faith and ask God for the help to do so. My hope is that after a time of thought you’ll pray this prayer with a deeper conviction and walk stronger in your faith knowing God has shown you the way.

Give me clarity of understanding against all error,

A clean heart against all impurity,

a solid faith against all nagging doubt,

a steadfast hope against all timidity,

a fervent charity against all negligence and indifference

great patience against all anxiety,

holy meditation against unseemly imaginings,

unceasing prayer against the devils temptations,

attentiveness in reading against frequent distractions,

useful occupation against boredom and drowsiness, and

a holy recollection of Your sacred Passion against my evil inclinations.

– Thomas A Kempis’ The Valley of Lilly’s On Guarding The Heart At All Times



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