Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Win A Set Of Story Cubes For Your Youth Ministry

1 · 23 · 14


I am using Story Cubes with my youth ministry to help kids get into story mode about sharing their faith, but there are other ways to use them in your ministry as well. Here’s the original video where I talk about Story Cubes

Three Ways You Can Use Story Cubes in Your Youth Ministry

1. As An Ice Breaker: There Was This One Time…

Give each kid a die and have them roll it and whatever comes up, such as the cell phone, let them share a funny memory about their cell phone.

2. New Parables

If you are reading through some Jesus’ parables, why not let students roll the dice and re-tell it as a modern day parable using the dice they have rolled. This may work well in groups of 2-3 to increase the creativity.

3. Story Challenge

Why not let kids create stories for each other based on the cubes they roll.  Break your  group into two teams of 3-4 and send each team away with half the cubes. Their job is to create a story involving every person on the other team. Be sure to tell the teams it’s o.k. to let the stories be funny but never insulting or demeaning.


Now it’s your turn. Here is the picture from above. Tell me a story about your youth ministry, yourself, or just a complete work of fiction in the comments section below, using all the cubes and I will will choose the best story to win the Story Cubes.

If you cannot tell what the cubes are, here’s a list

magnet, rainbow, a bridge, magnifying glass, worried face, drama masks, cell phone, house, and plane.



Here are some links to some other story telling  resources

Echo The Story

Five Story Telling Techniques For Youth Ministry


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