We have Talent Night tonight at our youth group and I bet there are some people who think they know what this look like in a Pentecostal Church, let me get the jokes out of the way early
We’ll be handing out awards for
- Best tongue talker
- Best interpretation of those tongues (People who get it wrong are stoned)
- Best spinning top
- Best pew jumper
- Best snake handler (losers get bit and die)
- Best human video done to a Skillet song
- Best rendition of Lord, You’re Holy
And that is just in the first half hour. Feel free to add your own category in the comments.
Talent night here looks pretty much looks like an other youth ministry, just a little wilder sometimes.But we do take the gifts of the Holy Spirit seriously and I want to see our kids use, on a regular basis, the gifts and the talents God has given them.
Now, all joking aside, the more space I give our students to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the stronger they become, the more courage they obtain, and the more they feel like they are a part of what God is doing in His body.
The same is true for the gifts, talents, skills that are not listed in I Corinthians 12 such as drama, art, etc. If I am not allowing our kids to use their gifts on a regular basis, I cheat the kids who have the gift, the kids who could be impacted by their gift, and God who gave them the gift in the first place.
Every week is Talent Night in our youth ministry. Every week is a opportunity to share with the Body what God have given them. My biggest challenge is to getting out of the way.
What do you do to help kids develop their gifts (both scriptural and natural)
How often do you create space for kids to use their gifts?
I’d love to hear your process, leave me a comment below.