I was looking at my calendar for next year. It’s packed. The question is: What’s the point? Do I want every weekend of my life packed? Does a packed schedule = success or just business. It is a question of timing. When is the right time to do an event or no events?
Students want to be busy all the time, especially Jr. Higher’s but what do we teach them if we pack every weekend and take no time for ourselves and our families or create space for them and their families. Maybe we don’t need every kid at every event. Consider the timing:
When is it time not to have event? (How about when students don’t plan it)
- When is it time to get away with your family?
- When is it time to kill a program?
- When is it time to go on a personal retreat?
- When is it time to have that conversation or make that phone call?
- When is it time to get rid of that volunteer or get that new volunteer?
- When is it time to rest and enjoy?
- When is it time to work like mad?
- When is it time to sow and when is it time to reap?
Ecclesiastes 3 says, “ There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:”
So, we know there IS a time , but it’s up to us to
Seek the Lord
A calendar year is made up of seasons. We don’t take kids skiing in the summer (unless i’s water skiing) and we don’t plan pool parties in the winter. Events are one thing but God may want you to focus on certain topics or even certain students in a season.
Seeking the Lord will give your calendar clarity. A few thoughts for God on your calendar can change the trajectory of your ministry. God cares not just about how you do youth ministry but why. Lay your calendar before the Lord and let Him help fill it out.
Seek Advice/Feedback
Creating a calendar in a vacuum is a bad idea. You need the input of your adult and students leaders to gauge the timing of certain events. In addition, seethe council of parents and your pastor as both the family and the church have dates you may not be aware of.
Some points of a good youth ministry calendar include
- maximizing the time you do have to to make the biggest impact with the most students available.
- Communicating the vision of the youth ministry to youth, family and the church
- Getting people prepared for events that will be worth their time
Get the right people involved who’ll make your calendar creation easier not harder.
Take the time to read Ecclesiastes 3 and meditate on what time it might be for your youth ministry.
If you need more help, I’ve created the My Youth Ministry Planner that will help you plan the best year of youth ministry ever.