Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Roller Skating and The Pursuit of Better

11 · 27 · 20

In a previous article I asked the question, “Do you have anything better to do?” and it’s about my attitude towards work, dreams and acceptance. Today, I want to help you define the better in better things to do and I’ll start with a story about a young lady who loves roller skating.

Makayla was a camper at camp I spoke at every year. I’ve been following her on social for several years and watched her get into roller skating. When her journey began, she started out in her garage. She posted, almost daily, video of her practicing, falling and getting back up to do it again.

I asked her, “Why roller skating and what kept her motivated to keep at it?”

Before I started skating I honestly wasn’t doing much. I was really sad all the time and felt like I was wasting my days sitting at home. Once I started skating my mind and body started feeling a lot better and thats part of the reason why I keep doing it. I stay motivated because every day that I go out and skate, I can literally feel myself getting better at it!! I really like being in a sport where I am constantly working towards doing something new and challenging myself. Also, I’ve been able to meet so many new, awesome people and have been able to surround myself with people that want to see me reach my goals.

– Makayla

What’s better than Makayla laying around being sad?

  • Her mind and body being revived
  • Improvement
  • Reaching goals
  • Challenging herself
  • Meeting new people
  • Support from friends

Makayla did have something better to do and she did it. I don’t see her skating with a frown on her face. I see joy in her because she is doing what is better, for her. I’m sure there were times when the thought, “I have better things to do than falling down” crossed her mind, but she pushed through and became better than

What’s better than what you’re doing right now? I don’t know, maybe nothing, so why not embrace what you are doing and start treating it like it’s better than the alternative.

What’s better than skating?

What better than creating? 

What’s better than selling? 

What’s better than youth ministry?

What’s better than writing this blog post? Nothing, because

  • I get a lot out of writing
  • I think this message needs to be heard
  • Someone might need to hear this

I’ve sat down, begrudgingly, many times to write. I typed with resentment. I typed with disdain for those who would be reading what I wrote and never comment and for those who would never click that link I shared. I should have found something better to do, but I stuck with it and, now, I’m in the top 25 websites in my niche.

I love writing. I love communicating. I refuse to act like I have something better to do when I know that what I am doing is a privilege not a chore.

If you’re  doing what you love to do, stop acting like you have something better to do. Just do it. 

If you do have something better to do, go do it. But, you might resent not pushing through the hard stuff, because there’s always hard stuff, even in the thing you’d rather be doing.

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