Do you believe you are destined to be alone ?
– Mobius, Loki Episode 4
Episode four of Loki was a lot of fun and packed with surprises. There were several threads I wanted to pull on but the line I quote above is the one I chose.
Loki and his variant Sylvie sat at the end of the world having a moment. They consoled one another with their eyes and Sylvie reached out and touched Loki’s arm as a way of saying, “at least we won’t die alone”
Loneliness was an an epidemic before Covid and the pandemic only exacerbated it.
In fact, on June 20th 2021, Linkedin shared this stat,
In a pre-pandemic survey conducted by management researchers Constance Hadley and Mark Mortensen, 76% of respondents said they struggled to make connections at work and 58% described their work relationships as superficial. Such feelings of disconnection can take a painful toll on employee health, retention and productivity.
I have suffered from deep loneliness, and still do from time to time, but I had a Spiritual Director once tell me, “Make friends with loneliness”. He didn’t say fall in love with it or desire it, he said make friends with it.
To me, making friends with loneliness means loneliness is a friend who drops in from time and you can say, “Sorry, I don’t have time for you right now” or “Come in, sit a while”.
Not all lonliness is bad. Loneliness reminds us that we were made for community and that we desire a deeper connection with God.
The bad loneliness is what Sif says to Loki when Loki is put in a time loop cell and over and over she says,
” you deserve to be alone and always will be”
Is this a loop that plays over an over in your mind?
If you struggle with loneliness, as I do, take comfort in knowing that it was never God’s plan for us to be alone; and I am not talking about marriage or even a dating relationship, I am talking about life.
Let me encourage you, if you feel alone today, take steps to making a new friend at work, church, etc.
You have to get over the “It’s just me and God syndrome” You can have friends if you are willing to try.
God is not keeping friends from you, but are you are keeping people at arms length?
You have to be willing to let people in, as hard as that may be for you.
Jesus was accused of being a friend of sinners and I’m glad because that’s all Jesus had to choose from. Maybe it’s time to open your world to good people, who aren’t saints (yet), but want to love you just the same.
Robin Williams said,
“I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It’s not! The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.” – Robin Williams
Life is too short to listen to that loop in your head and the lies it tells you.
You are worthy of friends, love and joy.