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Life For Youth Camp Scripture and Media List Week 5

7 · 22 · 16

Hey Campers, I want to thank you again for an amazing week. God did so much in such a short amount of time. My hope is that you will discern good from evil and and pursue the good and flee the evil.

Sunday Night

[bctt tweet=”Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good Romans 12:21″ username=””]

Good – describes what originates from God and is empowered by Him in their life, through faith.

Evil – properly, inwardly foul, rotten (poisoned); inner malice flowing out of a morally-rotten character of a bad nature; not such as it ought to be, troublesome, destructive.

Genesis 2: 8,9, Genesis 3:22-24, Matthew 6:44-46

Monday Night 

Exodus 2:11,12, Exodus 3:1-9,

[bctt tweet=”Two things that are evil, innocence stolen and a life sidelined by sin” username=””]

Tuesday Night

Daniel 3, Isaiah 5:20, Matthew 5:28.29, Proverbs 29:25, 1 Peter 1:7, I Corinthians 3:10-14,      Colossians 3:4-8,  Galatians 2:20, Hebrews 12:28,29

Wednesday Night

Genesis 39:2-4, Genesis 39:20-22, Genesis 41:41-43, Genesis 45:4-7, Genesis 50:19,20,                     Acts 10: 37,38, Romans 8:28, Ecclesiastes 3:11



Tatto Over Scars Story 

Thursday Night

I Kings 18

[bctt tweet=”What does God do when evil raises it’s head? He sends a man or a woman who can call down fire.” username=””]

Romans 16:9, I Peter 3:9-11, Hebrews 5:13,14, Acts 2:1-4,

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke.

God responded to a world in darkness by sending the Light.

God responded to a cold religious system by sending fire.



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