Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Helping Kids Discover Their Spiritual Gifts For Christmas

12 · 02 · 13

I can be a bit of a humbug when it comes to the commercial side of Christmas. I just don’t care about Black Friday, or what gifts I get. Something that’s giving a lift in my my soul this season is helping kids discover how God has gifted them. This past Sunday I sat with 6-8 kids and had them fill out a short version of a spiritual gifts survey. It was a ton of fun watching them look at what unopened gifts amy be sitting un their tree.

Here a few more links to surveys you can print

Spiritual Gifts Inventory 

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts

Here is one online  you can post on FB or text out.

Here are some things I recommend stating when administering a spiritual gifts survey

1. Don’t call it a test

I don’t want kids to thing this is something they can fail

2. This is not a perfect survey 

I don’t want kids to thing that this is the end all be all of surveys. Whatever gifts come up I ant them to know they are not limitd to jsut those gifts. It’s possible for God to bless them with any gift He’d like in the future.

3. You are gifted. 

No matter the outcome, the survey confirms they are gifted in an area of service the Lord can use in his Church and their community.

I e-mailed my parents this morning and encouraged them to take the survey as well and that it would certainly create a conversation between them and their teen.

Have you done spiritual gift survey; with your kids?

Have you done one yourself?

How have you found this helpful in getting to know your kids better?


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