When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. John 6: 5,6
Can you imagine Philip. I can see his eyes get real big at Jesus asking Him this question. Disciple were there to learn and to serve their masters, but this request must have sent his head spinning. He does’t want to disappoint Jesus.
No follower of Jesus I know, wants to disappoint Jesus, it just sort of happens. As follower of Christ we must always be read for that question which makes our eyes wide and sends our hearts into our throats.
Jesus will ask us to do the impossible. He will ask us to do something so far beyond us we cannot comprehend it.
We should do this with our students. We should challenge them with a “How are we going to do this..” knowing full well we plan to participate in the success of whatever idea they may come up with.
At this time I have challenge our students to give $200 towards supporting missionaries. I have given them three weeks to come up with this. This is a big goal for our group because they small and many of them do not work. But I have offered them some incentive.
I told them, “if you raise the $200 in three weeks I will bleach my hair blonde.” So, yes, this will happen if they reach their goal. What they do not know is that I want it to happen, so I am putting in $10 a week to help make it happen. That will be $30 towards the goal and they will need only $170.
Jesus did not want his disciples to fail, he wanted the people to be fed but he also want his disciples think in terms of faith and how they would join that faith with him to make it happen. Kids will bring their loaves and fishes and God will multiply it.
Just like Jesus was testing the faith of his disciples we also must test the faith of those we serve with big ideas and big challenges.