6 Tips for Finding and Planning Local Service Projects

Planning local service projects for your ministry? These tips will help you get started.  Local service projects for your teenagers can be a chance to embrace the “mission” without the “trip”. It’s using your own backyard as the setting for an intersection of discipleship and service, in a way that can build long-term relationships between…

Discomfort and Discipleship

There is nothing comfortable about real discipleship. It is the role of the the youth pastor, you, to create discomfort in your youth ministry all the while being hospitable. The evangelist Billy Graham used to say of his preaching, “I have come to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted.” I believe the youth pastor…

How Will Your Guests Remember You?

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou Gifts are not bribery, they are thank you’s. These gifts can range from a free youth group t-shirt to a bag of goodies they can take home with…

Finding Your Guests Fun Buttons

Fun does not always mean water parks and crazy games. Fun is a good conversation. Fun is feeling welcome. Fun is meeting new people. Fun is learning something new. Every student has their definition of fun and you need tap into their idea of fun rather than presenting your own idea of what they think…

You Owe Your Guests Two Things

When you’re asking your students to bring a friend to youth group, you are asking them to invite someone into your community. If you treat your guests like someone who’s just there to fill a chair and feed your ego, they may attend your meeting(s) but they’ll never join your community.  You owe your guests…