Four Keys To Goal Setting

I had the privilege of talking with my friend and co-author of Prepared For Impact Ryan Latham. Ryan shares a chapter he wrote in the book on goal setting and it is fire if you’re wanting to set some goals for your youth ministry this year. You can pick up the book Prepared For Impact…

Overcoming Your Youth Ministry's Past

In the play, SWEAT by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Lynn Nottage, change is coming for workers at a steel tubing plant. That’s tough to do in a town like Reading, where so much pride is tied up in the past. Nottage says whenever she met someone in Reading, she always asked them: How would you describe…

Overcoming Your Fear Of Leading Change

I’m afraid. And if we were honest, we’d all say we are afraid. A youth pastor’s fears are many. Fear of trying something new changing something old retiring a volunteer changing camps and a host of other things you know you should do, but don’t because you are afraid of the backlash from parents, kids,…

Don't Be Afraid To Be Great

Here’s the link to the list of the 30 best podcasts on the planet. There are a lot of great podcasts on this list and I am humbled to be on it at all let alone number one. Thank you for the honor of serving you. My friend Chad Higgins who is one of the…