Greetings youth workers, I hope you’re having a great morning, afternoon or evening depending on when you’re listing to this.
It’s good to be back with you. If you’re new to the podcast, thanks for checking it out. I post at least once a month, some times two depending on time, etc. But this fall, starting in September, I am going to make you a solid promise, I am going to commit to at least twice a month. Every other week. It will keep me on track and give you some confidence in my commitment to help you stay motivated and keep your youth ministry moving forward.
Before I get into the main topic today of being a prophetic voice to your youth ministry, I want to talk about what one of my coaching students said to me today. One of my clients called and told me about a friend of his who was recently let go from his church, reason given was that that he was not the right fit. He was a progressive guy in a traditional church. He was probably trying to do some thing that did not fit the DNA of his church and they let him know, Uh uh, we ain’t having any of that. That’s the short version.
What my student said, “had he been in our coaching group, I think you could have help navigate the tension and conflict and he would still be there.”
Wow! That was unexpected praise but, that is what I do. Coaching is much more than teaching you how to set up a youth ministry, play a game, build a staff, it’s about navigating a career.
So, if you’re in trouble, maybe on the verge of getting the right foot of fellowship, I’m starting a Tuesday night coaching group, in addition to my Monday night coaching group, so I can help more youth workers keep their job and make an impact on the students they serve. If you’re interested, you can visit the link in the show notes or e-mail more details at
I spoke at a retreat about a year ago that I and the camp directors designed for middle school students. There was a young lady at that retreat I felt very strongly about concerning her leadership ability. At the time I spoke to her, she did not see herself as a leader. I told her. “Ya know, I think you have some leadership ability you are not aware of. I see how you step back and watch things and show patience. You should trying being a leader more often.” She thanked me for the comments and we went on with the retreat.
About a week ago I received a message from her via Instagram. The message may be older because I m terrible at see the messages in the top right and corner fro some reason, bu this s what she wrote me
“Hi Pastor Paul! My name is Savanah and we met on the last week of LFYC. I realized that I just HAD to share that what you said to me, about me being a leader, has deeply touched me and I feel like there’s these fireworks… a new flame…in my heart. I am so motivated to live out my faith and I feel a new sense of love for others since you said that. I am eager to get even more involved at my church and to serve others by being God’s Masterpiece. Thank you so much. You have once again changed a teen’s life. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope to come to camp to hear you speak again this upcoming summer!”
This was one moment when I felt like the Holy Spirt was really encouraging me to share with young lady who was quiet but very bright and had some skills that were hidden from her but not by God. God saw them and asked me to confirm them.
This is nothing new,
In the Old Testment
God spoke to a week and fearful Gideon, “You mighty man of Valor”
In the NT,
Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter, the rock.
We have an opportunity every week to prophetic with our students. We can be led by the Spirit to reveal something about a student they do not see about themselves.
I”m not talking about revealing someone’s sin or a “thus sayeth the Lord” type of thing, I’m talking about a gentle nudge of the Spirit to speak a truth to a young man or young lady which may propel them further than you ever thought.
You have to see kids for who they can be not as they are. That’s not how God sees you and me. God see you now, yes, but he also sees you after you’ve gone through a few things. He sees the end result. It’s often called living in the now and the not yet. God sees you in the the final result and treats you and addresses you as such .
You can use your prophetic voice with not just one student but with your whole youth ministry. Consider how you address your youth ministry, is it more like “you bunch or knuckleheads” or is it “dry bones coming together to form an army” It’s both, but your role should be to exhort your students into the revelation of how God’s word describes them.
The church, the body of Christ, the bride of Christ (although they act like the Bride of Chucky)
Take a moment today and make a fresh commitment to not speaking at your youth ministry but into your youth ministry. Life and death are in the power of the tongue.
And you, you are a mighty leader of young men and women. You’re tongue is the rudder to your youth ministry ship. You can turn things around. You can inspire, motivate and generate the energy to lift your youth ministry out the pit and propel it forward. If you’re down, keep your head up, God is for you and not against you. He wants your youth ministry to succeed.
That’s it for now, thanks for joining me for another episode and if you enjoyed this episode, please stop by iTunes and leave some stars and a review so this podcast can be found by others.
Can’t wait to be with you again in a couple of weeks. Peace.