Four Truths About Youth Ministry And Sports

When I was a younger youth pastor, I believed sports was the enemy of youth ministry. Sports took athletic students away from my youth meetings, outreaches, retreats, etc. Didn’t those coaches know I needed the numbers!? It’s easy to blame our youth ministry’s sagging momentum and low numbers on sports. Judgement usually followed, “If these…

Youth Ministry Round Up #96

IG Youth Ministry Pic of the Week Inspiration for your next event. Articles Student Leadership: Three Approaches You Produce What You Program Ministry and Family: Five Things To Remember Turning Youth Ministry Outsiders Into Insiders Barna Announces First-of-Its-Kind Global Study on Teens’ Views of Jesus, the Bible, and Justice Videos I have a feeling this…

Youth Ministry Round Up #100

Youth Ministry Tweet of the Week Facts. IG Youth Ministry Pic of the Week There’s just something about guys being guys. Pray for lytehouse youth. Articles Youth Ministry Is… How To Get Constructive Criticism Bearing The Weight of A Small Youth Ministry The Rise of the Social Vampire (Yes, the church has these too) ‘Buy…

Influence Is Forever

If you’re not a subscriber of the Youth Ministry Round Up, you can sign up here and get relevant articles, videos and more twice a month. Sign up here Watch this 30 second clip before reading on. A former student of mine. Mitchell, has a podcast called The Wrestling Diaries where he interviews people with…

Youth Ministry Is

I posted this youth ministry experience the other day, see if you can relate, Youth Ministry is…attending a dance recital where you watch 29 other dance routines before the one your student is in. and it got over 100 likes and over 70 comments. I asked others to share what youth ministry is to them.…

Youth Ministry Round Up #99

Youth Ministry Tweet of the Week Youth Ministry IG Pic of the Week Yep, no idea what’s going on here, but isn’t that every youth ministry? Pray for Oasis Youth Ministry. Articles Is political engagement contributing to the teen mental health crisis? What is Heteroflexible? Satanic School Clubs Why Holding a Grudge Takes a Toll…