Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

3 Tip For Visiting Youth Group Guests

6 · 19 · 13



 I told my son the other day I was making a house visit to one of our guests. He gave me the impression that personal visits were passe’ in our digital age. His only response was “Why?”. Thus this post.

I have made two videos about visiting guests. Here is the first video where I am  preparing to visit a Jr. High boy..

Here are my 3 Tips for making hime visits

1. Take someone with you

In both of these visitation cases, I brought the students who brought the guests. i did this so the person we were visiting would be most comfortable when I, a sorta stranger, showed up. This alos gives you time to spend with some of your youth group kids. I usually schedule the visit around a meal time so I can take those who join me for lunch.

2. Make the gift you bring  of value 

The bag I brought had $5 worth of stuff in it. I did not include i-tumes cards etc. because that would be like asking your first date if they would like to get married. A pricey gift could embarrass a kid, so I keep it simple and personable.

3. Respect boundaries

I never expect a guest to invite me into their home. Most of what we are there to do can be don on the porch. I also respect a students time. I am there to do 3 things

1. Thank them for coming

2. Connect in personal conversation

3. Give them a reason to come back.

A normal visit for me is about 5-7 minutes and the bonus blessing is getting to meet the parents. That will be another post.

Here is my newest video, where I visit a Senior High girl. It was a great visit. Watch all the way to the end to find out why. Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE


How about you? Do you do home visits? Are they passe’ in this digital age?

Do you bring some goodies with you? If so? What do you give them?

I would love to hear your thoughts so leave a comment below.

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