Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Youth Ministry Round Up #1

3 · 09 · 18

Hey all, thought I’d try something new. I post a lot about youth ministry and related stuff, and I thought I’d list some of the cool articles, gadgets, books, etc, that you might be interested in.


I bought a new camera and if you are looking for a new camera, I recommend the Panasonic Lumix G7. It shoots in 4k and takes great pictures, including panoramic. It has a mic input and a reversible screen. Here’s a video I shot with it below.

Great articles

Why Most People Will Not Be Successful. Great article that applies to everyone. Don’t sleep in this youth workers .

Gunning Your Kids Down by Jonathan McKee

Great quote from musician Lindsey Stirling

“I dont think Human beings were meant to be worshiped. I think we were made to serve. People who are just receiving lose their mind. I know from dealing with celebrities of the highest level that the only way you dont go crazy is when you have an outlet to give.”

— Lindsey Stirling (@LindseyStirling) March 4, 2018


Great video for college students or upper high school (they talk about sperm production and stuff) . How will you use your life?

This new video and song by Iggy Azalea is spiritually intriguing. I wrote up a quick Bible Study about it here.

The Broccoli Tree: A Parable

So Many good lessons can be taken from this video. Share wha you love. What if you don’t share it? Who are you denying? Why do people destroy what others love?

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