Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

The Disciple Project Store Is Now Open For Your Shopping Pleasure, No Pushing Please

4 · 05 · 13


It has always been my desire to share what I create with others. Disciple Project Ministries is an equipping ministry. Yes, I am a youth pastor but i do not stop there. There are ideas that God gives me that I think are worth sharing. For three years I have been bless enough to have people sign up for my Get It First newsletter, where I have shared these resources with hundreds of other youth workers. Why? Some have no youth budget. Some want, not only contemporary topics, but contemporary methods for discipling their kids.  This is what I try to provide and now I am offering these resources to a wider range of youth workers.

I have just opened the Disciple Project Store. Currently it has over a dozen products, that I have personally written and developed over the years, available and more will be added over time. Let me answer a few questions

1. Why charge?

Simple, a man has to eat, fund other dreams, and maybe go the movies occasionally. God has given me the ability to create. Creating requires time, energy, and sweat. The creation has value and that is why I am assigning a value to the resource. Look at this this way, you get to bless me if I have blessed you.

2. Will there still be a Get It First Newsletter and will the resources still be free?

Yes and yes. If you are signed up for the Get It First Newsletter you will receive your normal freebies I create. These freebies will only be free to those who sign up for the newsletter, with the occasional free stuff I may post so others can see what they are getting. After the freebies go out to the newsletter, they will go up in the store.

Let me assure you, I will not be getting rich anytime soon from this store. You won’t see me sporting new bling or driving an Escalade. The store is about assigning value to what I  create and hopefully building trust and relationships with those who choose to purchase them.

How can you get behind and support this new endeavor?

1. Leave a review

If you have received any of these resources through the Get It First newsletter, or purchased a resource, and it has been of vale to you, will you take 5 minutes and leave a blurb, good or bad (preferably good) , about the product and why someone may want to get it for their group.

2. Purchase something

Sure you got the stuff for free, but now you are feeling guilty and were hoping for a way to say thank you. I am here to help alleviate your guilt ridden conscience (tongue firmly in cheek with smirk).

3. Share it

If it was of value to you it may be of value to someone else.

That’s it. Thank you to all my readers for your inspiration. Thank you to my Get It First Newsletter group for allowing me to bless your youth ministry. Stop by the store, kick the tires, and let me know what you think.


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