21 Simple Side Hustles For Youth Pastors

These jobs aren’t just for youth pastors but they may be the most suitable. I know about many of these jobs because I’ve had to do them to make ends meet. Take a read through and see which ones might be for you. Funerals Put your name in at your local funeral home(s) and tell…

7 Steps To Creating A Life Giving Code of Conduct

Teenagers, by nature, are inappropriate. Their immature brains, sometimes, come up with terrible things to say and do without any guardrails or filters. I’ve never had to create a formal code of conduct, mostly because I’ve never needed one. The students who came to my youth group were mostly well behaved, I had a good…

Three Roads To Youth Discipleship

All roads may lead to Rome but not all youth programs lead to discipled young people. Youth Pastors have all kinds of words to describe their youth program, some call it youth group, others call it youth ministry, some call it student ministry but these titles don’t really give a true picture of what is…

Being The Adult In The Room

Sadly, stories of teachers, male and female who have inappropriate relationships with their students, are too frequent. For every story that breaks on the news, there are probably a dozen that do not due to teachers quietly quitting and moving on. Teacher are not the only ones. Coaches from college level programs to professional programs…

How To Plan A Powerful Graduation Sunday For Your Church

This article (expanded), as well as  graduation forms graduation gift ideas graduation service sample and graduation song suggestions (over 40) Are a part of Launching Well: Graduating Your Senior Class In Style resource. If you are not subscribed to the Youth Ministry Round Up newsletter, subscribe now and receive all these graduation resources. Most of your pastors don’t want…

7 Spiritual Concepts I Want My Graduates To Grasp

…before they had out into the world. This article, as well as  graduation forms graduation gift ideas graduation service sample and graduation song suggestions (over 40) Are a part of Launching Well: Graduating Your Senior Class In Style resource. If you are not subscribed to the Youth Ministry Round Up newsletter, subscribe now and receive all these graduation resources.…

Balance and Boundaries: Bi-Vocational Ministry Done Right Part 1

I am, currently, a bi-vocational youth worker. I have held this title before so I am well versed in it’s demands. For me it boils down to keeping these two elements in line, balance and boundaries. Balance Have you ever tried to balance a see-saw? You have to have the right amount of weight on…

Finding the Perfect Voice: Tips for Selecting Your Camp Speaker

I covered my mouth and lowered my head as the outreach speaker spoke. This is not what I was expecting. The delivery, the tone and the humor was off. I felt like I was watching a bad comedian lose their audience. In fact, it was a bad comedian. I was waiting for the heckling to…

A Discipleship Checklist For Youth Pastors

In his book, The Checklist Manifesto, Atul Gawande shares several disciplines that use checklists to accomplish major and minor task such as construction companies, restaurants and hospitals. This got me thinking, “Shouldn’t there be a check list for youth pastors when it comes to discipleship?” You may think that more important jobs like airline pilots…

Helping Teens Follow Jesus

This post was written by AI. I asked the AI in a note creating, word organizing platform called Notion to write a blog post using this post’s title: How To Help Teens Follow Jesus. Here is the post it gave me. Introduction Being a teenager can be a challenging time in life, full of changes…