Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Leveling The Youth Ministry Playing Field

4 · 15 · 16

Things can seem, and many times are, uneven in youth ministry.

The church down the street has:

a bigger budget

a better youth facility

a brighter influence in the community

But, you’re not competing against the church down the street, you’re competing against yourself.

God does not love the church down the street any more than He loves you, your church or your youth ministry, but griping about the church down the street does nothing to move the dial in your youth ministry or walk with God.

There are ways to level the playing field when it seems like the deck is stacked against you.

You can pray just as much or just as hard

Prayer is not a tool to grow our youth ministry it’s a way to know and bless our Creator. We can grow in our relationship with God. We are not less than anyone. We have the same access to the same God who loves us just the same. Talk and listen to God and you will grow and you will receive the affirmation you are looking for from the one who matters most.

Prayer is also weapon against the feelings of inferiority and toxic emotions that cause us to fear, shrink back, and debilitate us.

You can work just as hard

No one has a claim on hard work. We can reach out, follow leads, follow up, and take advantage of the opportunities that are afforded us just like everyone else. [bctt tweet=”Hard work is not proprietary. No one owns hard work.” username=”@paulturnertoo”] Work hard, work smart, and you’ll see a harvest proportionate to your harvest field and then some.

You can improve

Once again, this is open to anyone. If you are not improving in your skills or disciplines your losing. Doug Fields likes to say that leaders are learners, and that is true. If we’re leading we should be learning.

If you are new here, I offer a few options to improve your personal and ministry performance

A Youtube channel with over 500 videos to help you become all you can be.

2. The Youth Ministry in Motion Podcast, my weekly attempt to motivate you and keep your youth ministry moving forward

3. The Fresh Impact Newsletter that give you insight, ideas. and inspiration to help you on your journey.

Your Turn

Are you working at the level you you could be?

Where do you think you could improve?


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