Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

If This Were Your Last Year In Youth Ministry..

7 · 31 · 17

As you’re thinking about the fall season and planning events, activities, and messages, let’s add a wrinkle, this is your last year.

If you knew this was your last year at this church does it make a difference how you will plan? What about if it was your last year as a full time youth pastor? Are there some things you’ve been holding back on? Why?

What would you want to leave your students with? (Try writing that in one sentence) Now, plan accordingly.

What lessons are most important?

Which activities would leave he greatest impact?

Who would you pour into?

Who would you make things right with?

How would you staff your ministry?

How much effort would you put into evangelism. worship. or fellowship?

Why can’t you start planning this way today?

We should always be planning with the end in mind, and not just the end of our youth pastoring days but the end of our days here on earth.

Psalm 90:12 says

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Let’s plan for eternity rather than forever.

If you are looking for some help with your fall planning, check out my book Prepared For Impact.  

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