Let’s Not Go Over This Again

“Does it matter to a man dying in a desert by which choice of route he missed the only well?” –C S Lewis This quote caught my attention on Twitter and reminded me, as a Pastor, that going back over someone’s life’s mistakes isn’t the road to healing. Yes, the past matters in regards to…

To The Very End

I think I found the quote I want on my tombstone “To the very end” What do you do, consistently? Is it important? Valuable? Generous? Does it bless others? Does it encourage? Most importantly,  is it worth doing all the way the end? I want to Love to the very end Follow to the very end Lead…

Is This My Last Mission Trip?

I’m sitting in a motel room in  Montgomery, Al. waiting to go to sleep before my trip to Panama tomorrow. Since I am retiring from full time youth pastoring, I started to wonder if this would be my last mission trip. I think this might be my last mission trip of this kind. By this…

400 Gone. Just. Like. That.

It was like Thanos had snapped his fingers and 400 subscribers vanished.  In my earlier post I shared how I had lost over 100 subscribers, but I had no idea I had lost that many. Here’s what really happen and why I think it happened. After some back and forth with Mail Chimp, my e-mail…

I’m Not A Professional Youth Pastor

I’m a person in love with reach students. Yes, I’ve been a youth pastor, professionally, for 28 years, but that’s not why I reach and disciple students. I reach and disciple students because someone reached and discipled me. There is something weird about saying you’re a professional youth worker. It’s like saying you’re a professional…