Experience Will Only Get You So Far

It’s hard to give back from a place of instability – Gary V. This statement by Gary Vaynerchuk applies in so many ways, whether you want to give back financially, emotionally, or spiritually, you can’t do it from a place of instability or lack. If I want to have anything to give to my own…

Three Directional Thinking

This is one of thoughts you get while driving. I was thinking about my choices in the way think, and yes, we do have choices. When something hits my brain I can respond to it in one of three ways (note: I know these terms have varied meanings, I’m using the terms purely for illustration)…

Getting Failure Out Of Your System

“but the difference is whether you decide to stop at a failure, or keep going until you get as many failures as possible out of your system until the only possible outcome is that you succeed.” – Benny Lewis I know there are some who disagree with the concept of failing fast and failing often,…

Four Questions You Should Ask A Racist

There are many in the KKK, White Aryan Nation, and other racist organizations who love to quote the Bible and espouse Christian principles but deny God’s Word entirely. As believers, it’s important to keep the conversation in spiritual terms because the racist will want to talk history, politics. and a general sort of religion. The…