I am many and one

I went to a 2 day entrepreneur conference called The Thing and will be sharing some thoughts over the next few weeks which I will call The Thing: Unpacked. Jeff Goins shared a quote from Anne Lamott, “I am all the ages I have ever been”. This is very true of me I’m still the…

Four Reasons You Are Where You Are

“Why am I where I am?” Have you ever asked yourself that? I have, more times than I can count.  The question might pertain to life or career or your place in a club or organization.  On my way to church I came up with four possibilities, although there are more. Lack of effort Not…

Being The Adult In The Room

Sadly, stories of teachers, male and female who have inappropriate relationships with their students, are too frequent. For every story that breaks on the news, there are probably a dozen that do not due to teachers quietly quitting and moving on. Teacher are not the only ones. Coaches from college level programs to professional programs…

Planning A Youth Meeting For Graduates

This article, as well as  graduation forms graduation gift ideas graduation service sample and graduation song suggestions (over 40) Are a part of Launching Well: Graduating Your Senior Class In Style resource. If you are not subscribed to the Youth Ministry Round Up newsletter, subscribe now and receive all these graduation resources. I put a fair amount of effort…

How To Plan A Powerful Graduation Sunday For Your Church

This article (expanded), as well as  graduation forms graduation gift ideas graduation service sample and graduation song suggestions (over 40) Are a part of Launching Well: Graduating Your Senior Class In Style resource. If you are not subscribed to the Youth Ministry Round Up newsletter, subscribe now and receive all these graduation resources. Most of your pastors don’t want…