Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

Halfway Is The Problem

9 · 27 · 17

It sounds great when we say things like,

I’ll meet you half way.

I’ll give you half my sandwich.

We won the lottery! I’ll give you half.

But there are plenty of things you don’t want half of.

Would you like to have half sex? Nope.

I’ll drive you halfway. Not good.

I’ll pay you half now. What?

No one advises us, “If you want to be successful, give it your half”

Half measures won’t fix anything.

Half-heartedness won’t impress anyone.

Half assed execution won’t get the job done.

Half doesn’t cut it in real life so why do we give, on most occasions, half of our selves to God, to our marriage, to our kids? Half won’t cut it if we want to impact the world.

Half doesn’t cut it in youth work either. We can’t preach half a gospel. There’s good news and bad news. Heaven and hell, judgement and grace, flesh and spirit. Life is is not made up of halves but wholes.

Loving and serving half way will not make a dent in the universe.

Jesus gave all of Himself. He didn’t get beaten and then skip the crucifixion. He didn’t just love the Jews but also the Gentiles. He served the zealot as well as the tax collector. He fully died and then fully rose.

God doesn’t do things halfway.

He forgives all our sins.

He loves the whole world.

He doesn’t make half promises.

There is no halfway Christianity.

Therefore, we must love God with our whole hearts and all of our neighbors as our selves. Anything less won’t make a difference and only shows half of who our God really is.





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