Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

19 Questions You Should Be Asking About Your Youth Ministry in 2019

I asked these questions every year and some I could answer, some I couldn’t, and some I just had to leave up to God.  Having a list like this makes you want to curl up in ball and never get out of bed (been there) but it also shows us why prayer is so important and how insufficient we am to accomplish God’s work by my own hand. This list will show you where you are gifted and where you a need to recruit. Lead with your strengths and recruit to your weaknesses.

What questions should you be asking in 2019? 

1. What will define success this year?

2. What worked last year? Should I repeat it, cancel it or tweak it?

3.  How do I help kids become followers of Jesus? Do I have a strategy?

4. What changes should I make in my youth room that will help kids connect with God and each other?

5. How will I intentionally grow in my relationship with God this year?

6. How will we reach out more effectively?

7. How will I grow my volunteers numerically and spiritually?

8. Which relationships do I really need to work on this year (Pastor, students, parents, church people)

9. How will I balance  my family/ministry time  better this year?

10. What risks will I take this year to make an impact for Christ?

11. How will I use social media better this year to connect with students and build our program?

12.. How can I do  better job of helping parents disciple their kids?

13. How can I do a better job of connecting our adults and students ? (which may answer #7)

14. Will we look/act more like Jesus this year than last? How?

15. How has the world changed over the past year and how should we respond in tone, teaching and        tackling tough issues?

16. How has race relations improved in our ministry over the past year? Did we reach out?

17. Do I have a plan for when LGBTQ kids come to our youth ministry? What is our position and plan? Does everyone on our team know it? Do people in our church know it?

18. What books will I read this year that will help me grow?

19. What skills do I need to develop to keep relevant in the work I do and in the world I live?

Why not take the month of December (or whenever) to go through these questions and come up with some solid answers. Make a copy and give it to your team to challenge them.



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