Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

What Is Your Back Up Plan?

12 · 06 · 12

What if you lose a key leader? Do you have a back up plan?

We recently lost a student leader who played a key role in our group from a skill level and a social level. It was due to some relational and family things beyond my control. We did everything to keep them and their family. I’ll miss them, but I always have a back up plan: Continuous Mentoring/Discipleship/Leadership Development.

I always have one eye on the present and one on the future; and for this reason we develop strategies that will prepare kids to accept their role/calling when it’s time. Leaders who leave, though not pleasant, is part of the cycle of developing leaders. Steve Jobs passes away, Tim Cook takes his place. A coach quits, an assistant takes his place. If no one leaves, no one can step up. I hate losing leaders, it’s not fun; but for the sake of the rest of the group I’ll hold on to our current leaders loosely and keep developing leaders to one day take their place.

If we are not developing leaders, adult and youth, we don’t have a back up plan. Scary huh?



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