Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

What If I Told You I Had 500 Students?

8 · 18 · 14


What If


Let me clear, I do no have 500 students. But what if I did? Would it change your perception of me?

Would you read my blog more?

E-mail me for success tips?

Try to be my best friend?

Buy me coffee?

Call me to chat?

Hate my guts?

I don’t have 500 kids and I probably never will. Can we still be friends? Connect? Talk shop?

My point is, it shouldn’t matter how many students I have. It shouldn’t matter how many kids you have. Yet it seems it does matter to many  youth workers.  Many youth workers judge success by the numbers and numbers = that guy is cooler, smarter, and more anointed than me. What if I told you none of that was true? Success has many meanings. If you have kids showing up at all, I would call that a success.

The number of student should not effect our relationship because

1. We are brother and sister ins Christ

Wes share the same spiritual DNA. If there are no Jew or Greek in Christ, there is no small or large either. Lets put our head together, pray for one another, and enjoy the fellowship God designed us to be in.

2. We can still learn from each other

People with smaller youth group than me still have great ideas and are great people. I want to learn from them. They have elements that are working that I have no idea how to get working my youth ministry.

You are probably a great youth worker no matter how many kids you have. You love those kids and you love Jesus. Now pretend for  a moment that that’s enough. How do you feel? Better? Good. Now take a deep breath and don’t pretend any more. Love kids, love Jesus and be happy with that if only for today.

Your Turn

How does your perception of success affect your relationships with other youth workers in your community?


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