Giving youth pastors the tools they need to make and shape disciples.

To The Very End

6 · 22 · 18

I think I found the quote I want on my tombstone

“To the very end”

What do you do, consistently?

Is it important? Valuable? Generous?

Does it bless others? Does it encourage?

Most importantly,  is it worth doing all the way the end?

I want to

Love to the very end
Follow to the very end
Lead to the very end
Encourage to the very end
Hope to the very end
Live to the very end

And not to the end of my job, but to the end of my life. I want to people to come by my grave stone and say “that guy lived out his faith to the very end”. Life makes you want to give up, cut corners, and wallow in despair. I, by God’s grace, will not.

We do not have control over much, but we can control what’s worth practicing and for how long.


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