Day 52 and the news (like like the oil) just keeps coming. The BP oil disaster in the gulf is a business/life/youth ministry in the making. Let me offer some advice about handling leaks:
You may be leaking students, vision, or enthusiasm , and these are just few of the possible leaks you may be facing. Looking at the questions coming out of the gulf, it seems we can do a better job if we will
1. Admit there is a leak. Ignoring it will not make it go away.
2. Determine the extend of the leak. Can I handle it myself?
3. Take responsibility for the leak. Someone has to own it.
4 Partner with others. Find the people in your network who can hep you fix the leak. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
5. Be ready to answer a lot of questions. Who? What? Where? How? and When?
6. Over communicate about the leak. If there is a problem, do your best to over communicate the progress you are making and the solutions you are coming up with.
7. Have a strategy for these leaks to not occur again. Collaborate to solve problems. BP just put cameras underwater to watch these pipes 24/7. Do you have systems in place to watch for possible leaks?
Leaks are bound to happen, but how we handle them is equally as important as stopping the leak itself.